The Rathbone Greenbank engagement review represents a small snapshot of our engagement activity in 2021 and our plans for 2022.

Rathbone Greenbank Investments - Engagement Review 2021-22
Article last updated 16 December 2022.
Engagement with companies is a vital part of our role as ESI investors and can be an effective lever to bring about positive social and environmental outcomes. It enhances our ability to mitigate sustainability risks, and empowers our clients to use their money as a force for good.
For over 20 years, we have engaged in open and constructive dialogue with companies to address company specific and systemic risks, encourage best practice, and improve social and environmental wellbeing.
Engagement is not just a powerful means to positively influence and direct the actions of companies and institutions — mobilised in force, it can alert governments and regulators to wider failures in markets and suggest collaborative ways to correct them.
This engagement review represents a small snapshot of our engagement activity in 2021 and our plans for 2022.